Petoleum Boycott

Since the war in Iraq is about oil, why not reduce the amount of petroleum products we use? I recently purchased a motorcycle that gets more than 50 mpg. I'm also looking into buying a diesel powered car, since there is a gas station in Charlotte, Michigan that sells blended biodiesel fuel (they sell B20, which is 20% biodiesel, and 80% petroleum diesel). There is also a retailer in Manchester, Michigan who will deliver 100% biodiesel (150 gallon minimum order).

100% biodiesel is fine for summer driving, but a blend may be necessary during the winter months, since biodiesel turns to gel at a higher temperature than petroleum diesel. All diesel vehicles made after 1988 need no modification to use biodiesel fuel. Older vehicles may need to have any natural rubber that comes in contact with the fuel replaced with synthetic rubber. Regardless of the vehicle's age, if it has been run exclusively on petroleum diesel, you may want to change the fuel filter before your first tankful of biodiesel. Biodiesel is an excellent solvent, and may dislodge caked impurities in the fuel tank or the line. For more information about biodiesel fuel, see

Paraffin is also made from petroleum, so if you like to burn candles, use beeswax instead of paraffin candles. Plastic is a petroleum product as well, so when you go shopping, ask for paper bags, or bring your own reusable bags made out of cloth. It takes a quart of oil to manufacture the average inkjet printer cartridge, so when your printer is out of ink buy a refill kit. There is a company called Funding Factory that pays schools and non-profit organizations to collect used inkjet and laser printer cartridges and used cell phones for recycling. Participating organizations earn points that can be redeemed for computer hardware and software, sports and recreational equipment, or classroom teaching aids. Points can also be converted into cash at $0.40 per point.

Last, but not least, join Americans for Energy Independence. Americans for Energy Independence believes that we need to make the Middle East and OPEC strategically irrelevant; that we must call on our government to act by adopting a 20 year plan to achieve energy independence with aggressive short-term milestones; that we must hold Saudi Arabia responsible for the acts of their citizens and accountable as an ally; that we need grassroots support of our citizens regardless of political, social or religious affiliations; that we need true corporate and industry leadership and patriotism in support of our cause; that as citizens and consumers we have the power to effect change; and that we must be realistic about the short-term compromises and trade-offs that will be necessary to achieve our vision.

Posted at Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Email One Angry Patriot

Thursday, July 21, 2005
Letter to the Editor

Recently the Greater Lansing Network Against War and Injustice (GLNAWI) took a position that Karl Rove be held accountable for his actions in propagating faulty intelligence leading to the invasion of Iraq. I concur.

In an attempt to justify the invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration tried to present evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, posing as an imminent danger to the United States. The present controversy around Mr. Rove leads back to former Ambassador Joseph Wilson’s trip to Niger where he disproved the claim that Saddam Hussein purchased uranium from the African country. Days after speaking out, Mr. Wilson’s wife and undercover CIA agent, Valerie Plame is identified by Mr. Rove.

Karl Rove’s actions served the Bush Administration by silencing Wilson and others in the intelligence community who may have revealed the Administration’s intentional manipulation of the truth. Mr. Rove should be fired for his actions.

Posted at Thursday, July 21, 2005
Email nelsestu

Other Costs of Iraq War

By now I'm sure you're familiar with If not, it's the site that provides the cost of war counter seen on this blog. Unfortunately, the cost in human life is not as easy to calculate as dollars and cents. One site that does a good job is The premise of this site is to measure the volume of blood spilled in Iraq by the number of oil barrels it would fill.

So far, the blood spilled in Iraq would fill 3,913 oil barrels. A barrel of crude oil will yield anywhere from 17 to 29 gallons of gasoline, depending on the grade of the oil and the efficiency of the refinery. Using an average number of 23 gallons per barrel, 3,913 barrels of crude oil will yield 89,999 gallons of gasoline.

Posted at Thursday, July 21, 2005
Email One Angry Patriot

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
it works

My name is Jonathan Solis, but everyone calls me by my last name. I’m one of the candidates for Lansing City Council for the 2nd Ward. I am also a student in Lansing Community College and I plan to finished next summer since I took this summer off to work on the campaign. I will send you guys a Bio- soon.

“I strongly believe when people get together on a specific task more will be accomplished then attacking it as an individual.” Solis

Posted at Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Email Anonymous

Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Blog Administrator: William J. Dwyer

Born in Detroit, I moved to Charlotte, Michigan in 1975 at the age of seven. At the age of 12, my mother introduced me to grassroots organizing when she became a volunteer on John Anderson's 1980 independent presidential campaign. My father, Canadian GLBT activist William F. Dwyer, was active in the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War, and remained a grassroots leader until he reached retirement age.

M1030M1 Diesel Combat MotorcycleI have been an activist for various causes and issues since the early 1980s. I have been affiliated with such organizations as The November Coalition, NORML and PFLAG, to name a few. My long-term goal is to purchase a diesel powered motorcycle and take it on a tour of the continental US to promote the use of biodiesel fuel. The only company working on marketing a diesel powered motorcycle currently has the contract to produce the M1030M1 Diesel Combat Motorcycle.

Between my activism and working as the Webmaster and Network Administrator for a family owned cat toy manufacturing business, I can be found cooling off on hot summer days with a relaxing ride on my 2004 Yamaha V-Star Classic, or lounging in the shade with a cold beer and a good book. When it's time for the bike (and me) to hibernate for the winter, I can be found in my kitchen, cooking or bottling a batch of home brewed beer, wine or cider.

Posted at Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Email One Angry Patriot