Blog Administrator: William J. Dwyer

Born in Detroit, I moved to Charlotte, Michigan in 1975 at the age of seven. At the age of 12, my mother introduced me to grassroots organizing when she became a volunteer on John Anderson's 1980 independent presidential campaign. My father, Canadian GLBT activist William F. Dwyer, was active in the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War, and remained a grassroots leader until he reached retirement age.

M1030M1 Diesel Combat MotorcycleI have been an activist for various causes and issues since the early 1980s. I have been affiliated with such organizations as The November Coalition, NORML and PFLAG, to name a few. My long-term goal is to purchase a diesel powered motorcycle and take it on a tour of the continental US to promote the use of biodiesel fuel. The only company working on marketing a diesel powered motorcycle currently has the contract to produce the M1030M1 Diesel Combat Motorcycle.

Between my activism and working as the Webmaster and Network Administrator for a family owned cat toy manufacturing business, I can be found cooling off on hot summer days with a relaxing ride on my 2004 Yamaha V-Star Classic, or lounging in the shade with a cold beer and a good book. When it's time for the bike (and me) to hibernate for the winter, I can be found in my kitchen, cooking or bottling a batch of home brewed beer, wine or cider.

Posted at Tuesday, July 19, 2005
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