Speak for Peace Tour discussions with high school students

Patricia McCann, a U.S. veteran, and Raed Jarrar, an Iraqi political analyst, came to the Lansing area through the American Friends Service Committee Speak for Peace Tour: U.S. Veterans & Iraqis Creating the Way Forward.

The Lansing State Journal video-taped their discussions with high school students on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - and posted it on the web the next day. When I called the newspaper today, they told me that the video would be on the web site for about 30 days. Go to the Lansing State Journal web site to see the video and photos.

Patricia McCann and Raed Jarrar also spoke with 200 people that evening at Michigan State University and with 50 people the next day at the Unitarian Univesalist Church in East Lansing over a soup and salad lunch. Thank you to them, to the American Friends Service Committee, and to all the volunteers and co-sponsors in the Lansing area.

Posted at Friday, February 29, 2008
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