Letter to the Editor

Recently the Greater Lansing Network Against War and Injustice (GLNAWI) took a position that Karl Rove be held accountable for his actions in propagating faulty intelligence leading to the invasion of Iraq. I concur.

In an attempt to justify the invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration tried to present evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, posing as an imminent danger to the United States. The present controversy around Mr. Rove leads back to former Ambassador Joseph Wilson’s trip to Niger where he disproved the claim that Saddam Hussein purchased uranium from the African country. Days after speaking out, Mr. Wilson’s wife and undercover CIA agent, Valerie Plame is identified by Mr. Rove.

Karl Rove’s actions served the Bush Administration by silencing Wilson and others in the intelligence community who may have revealed the Administration’s intentional manipulation of the truth. Mr. Rove should be fired for his actions.

Posted at Thursday, July 21, 2005
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