Michigan Peace Team Call to Action for Gaza

If you support the Michigan Peace Team call to action, please copy it and send it to your friends, to your US Senators and Representative, and to our incoming President and Secretary of State.

Thank you - from a GLNAWI blogger.

Here is the Michigan Peace Team Call to Action for Gaza:

I am adding my name as a co-sponsor to Michigan Peace Team's Call to Action. As peacemakers - and eye witnesses in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel - Michigan Peace Team members declare their abhorrence for the destruction of life and of infrastructure in the present Gaza conflict. With them, I find strength and inspiration in my personal connections with Palestinian and Israeli friends, who are calling for alternatives to violence, the creation of good relations between both peoples and, most importantly, an end to the occupation.

Michigan Peace Team's experience teaches them - and all of us - that the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank is the fundamental violence in the region. As a first step to ending this violence, I join with them in calling for an immediate ceasefire by all parties in Gaza and an end to the ongoing blockade.

Together, we urge the U.S. to end all military aid to Israel which maintains the occupation. This is an opportunity to redirect critical funding to areas of need within our own country.

Along with the members of Michigan Peace Team, I call on our U.S. Government and the Israeli government to boldly take the steps - now - to make this happen.

Posted at Wednesday, January 14, 2009
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