Other Costs of Iraq War

By now I'm sure you're familiar with costofwar.com. If not, it's the site that provides the cost of war counter seen on this blog. Unfortunately, the cost in human life is not as easy to calculate as dollars and cents. One site that does a good job is barrelsofblood.com. The premise of this site is to measure the volume of blood spilled in Iraq by the number of oil barrels it would fill.

So far, the blood spilled in Iraq would fill 3,913 oil barrels. A barrel of crude oil will yield anywhere from 17 to 29 gallons of gasoline, depending on the grade of the oil and the efficiency of the refinery. Using an average number of 23 gallons per barrel, 3,913 barrels of crude oil will yield 89,999 gallons of gasoline.

Posted at Thursday, July 21, 2005
Email One Angry Patriot