No Military Solution, Halliburton and Gonzales

Top US General Repeats: No Military Solution in Iraq
General Petraeus repeated observations by previous commanders that there is "no military solution" to the crisis situation in Iraq. The only long-run success, he said, will come after "reconciling differences with some of those who have felt that the new Iraq did not have a place for them."

Halliburton Headquarters Moves to Dubai
Halliburton is planning to move its head quarters to the United Arab Emirate nation of Dubai. This would make one of the largest and most scandal ridden US military contractors in Iraq a non-US based company. Halliburton has taken over many of the job functions of the US Army and is doing those jobs at outrageous fees to the American people. Many billions of dollars in no bid contracts and significant overcharges have been challenged throughout the course of the US war in Iraq.
Listen to the story on NPR
Read the Huffington Post's take on Halliburton

The topic of war profiteering will be covered during the teach-in event GLNAWI is hosting this Sunday March 18th from 2-5pm, "Out of Iraq: Voices of Experience". The film Iraq for Sale will also be shown later that evening from 7-9pm which also highlights concerns of war profiteering and civilian contractor work in Iraq. (See the GLNAWI website for details of the event)

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Pressured to Resign
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is under fire from a large block of Democratic Senators who are calling for his resignation in light of what has become widespread misuse of the U.S PATRIOT act. (see GLNAWI’s position on the US PATRIOT ACT). The report, carried out by the Justice Department Inspector General has shown a deeply troubling number of instances where the personal information including financial records and profile data has been illegally granted under Mr. Gonzales' term as head of the Justice Department. (the full report is available off the DOJ Inspector General website)

While it is relieving to see this level of scrutiny after such an extended unchecked reign, it is troubling that outcry among congressional leaders is only emerging now. Mr. Gonzales has been at the heart of countless scandal producing investigations including a long history of policies encouraging the use of torture. These policies have been identified as a major contributor toward damaging United States credibility in the war on terror. This loss in credibility no doubt leaves the U.S. almost universally viewed as occupiers in Iraq. There has been a long standing effort by GLNAWI to raise concerns regarding these policies of torture and GLNAWI will likely continue these efforts as long as policy makers such as Mr. Gonzales insist on the use of morally degrading treatment and the destruction of civil liberties. (see GLNAWI’s position on the Military Commissions Act)

Posted at Monday, March 12, 2007
Email nelsestu

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Building Peace Through Community: Day 1 at the Peace-In

“Building Peace Through Community” -- This is the theme of the Peace Education Center’s Peace-In at Everybody Reads bookstore in Lansing. The theme – thanks to Ann F. and Chris S. – captures perfectly what I saw and felt today at the event’s opening day.

My favorite role today was working the resource table and meeting so many new people. Gwendolyn of Unity of Greater Lansing stopped by to say hello and shared information about a national art project for peace. She also gave me details about her efforts to work with young people in Lansing as Unity’s Youth Education Director.

Another new face, Dalmon, stopped by the table and shared his hope to someday start a food co-op in Lansing. As a soon as I got home tonight I sent Dalmon the web site address for the Power of We grants and application process ( I wish Dalmon the best in pursing his project locally.

A group of about 10 people watched the evening’s movie together and shared a plate of Girl Scout cookies. We had some familiar faces in the crowd and other new-found friends who did not hesitate to join the gathering. It was all very comfortable -- except, of course, for the seriousness of the movie topic.

Elise Harvey was on hand to demonstrate the art of making peace cranes. And tonight, at age 47, I made my first-ever peace crane. And I also made my second-ever peace crane. As I understand it, I have 998 more to go before I get my wish. Elise will return on Thursday at 6 p.m. to demonstrate this wonderful art form – and I’ll be right there intently working on my third-ever peace crane.

A special thanks goes out to Sarah N. for the beanbag chairs! The kids enjoyed them at story time this afternoon – and one adult was seen sitting in one while enjoying the movie.

I missed the soup and salad lunch during the Michigan Peace Team’s presentation at noon today. I heard that the lunch, which was provided by Gone Wired Café, was delicious and that Peter Dougherty’s presentation was enlightening, as usual. I won’t miss Thursday’s noontime lunch discussion on “What Role Can Faith Communities Play in Building Peace?” If you have time, please join us at noon – your lunch has been pre-approved!

All events for Thursday ("International Women's Day") and this coming weekend can be found at or Please stop in and say hello!

- Tom Rico

Posted at Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Email Tom Rico