How Many More Have to Die for a Lie?

In 1991, when America's armed forces were deployed to liberate Kuwait from occupation by Iraqi forces, Dick Cheney, then Secretary of Defense, stopped the military's advance into Iraq when it reached the city of Basra. He did so because he was advised that continuing the advance and attempting to remove Saddam Hussein from power would result in an unwinnable conflict against an opposing force capable of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition.

Today, we now know that the advice Mr. Cheney received in 1991 was accurate. We are involved in a quagmire against an opponent that makes effective use of the Fabian strategy. As a result, as of October 29, 2006, the state of Michigan has sacrificed 100 of its citizens. We were told that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, but more than three years and seven months after Iraq was invaded, no such weapons have been found. We will be gathering in front of the state capitol building in Lansing, Michigan at noon on Friday, November 3, 2006 to ask our leaders one simple question: How many more have to die for a lie? As we read the names of Michigan's war dead, we stand in solidarity with and support for the families of those who have been killed and wounded, of those who are currently serving, and those who are preparing to deploy.

Posted at Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Email One Angry Patriot