Gates and Pace: Debate on Iraq Doesn't Hurt Morale

With the Senate Republicans filibustering the anti-escalation resolution, The House Armed Services Committee met to discuss their version of a resolution to officially disagree with President Bush’s escalation plan in Iraq. The overwhelming sentiment coming from the Democrats on the committee expressed that the escalation will be adding fuel to an already raging fire. The ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, Duncan Hunter of California made use of the most common and central pro-escalation argument used by congressional Republicans and the White House alike. This main argument claims that not supporting the escalation is akin to not supporting the troops and thus serves to undermine troop moral.

While there is nothing new about this false argument, something particularly refreshing came as response from the top. Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Peter Pace and Defense Secretary Robert Gates both in their own way refuted this argument saying that having this debate is truly what democracy is about and that the troops understand our legislative process.

Listen to the piece from NPR

Also see the quick blurb from Think Progress

This is extremely important news. In fact I would argue that this should be the headline news. The White House and Republican Congressional Leaders have maintained throughout the past four years of this war, that any discussion or dissent regarding Iraq is "detrimental to troop moral" and it "emboldens the enemy." What we have here is the top management of the military refuting this claim and encouraging the debate.

The fact that this isn’t front page news is troublesome and disappointing. While many media sources offer brief coverage of the House Armed Services Committee hearing, most fail to site these comments about a healthy democratic process made by General Pace and Secretary Gates, much less highlight the significance. Surprisingly the Navy Times can be included in the few exceptions to this comment on media coverage.

“Pace and Gates said they did not think debate in Congress would hurt the morale of troops in combat, undercutting an assertion by many congressional Republicans that members’ opposition to the war was hurting troops.” – Navy Times

On a related note, consider joining MoveOn’s petition to support NPR and PBS as the Bush Administration seeks to slash and/or cancel their funding.

Posted at Thursday, February 08, 2007
Email nelsestu